Using data and AI to connect and engage your audiences Exchange_Lock

Using data and AI to connect and engage your audiences

As marketers we have been challenged with finding innovative ways of reaching and inspiring our audiences with the right message, at the right time, in the right place and the right format. And now, that task is even harder than ever before.

We are in a world where users are inundated with media choices a multitude of access points and high expectations of brands. But in a world where users demand personal tailored messaging, 58% of marketers report that they are challenged with targeting or segmenting their audience and therefore unable to tap into all the rich first-party sources at their fingertips or personalise consumer experiences. (Source: Forrester ).

But this is a known problem, with the advent of Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP), we have moved from knowing our audiences through first-party and third-party data, to an ever-increasing pool of invisible users. By the end of this year, 30 years from when the first cookie was established by Lou Montulli (who programmed Lynx and Netscape too), marketers will only have two pools of users, first-party known users and invisible users.

Lack of data and strategies that are over-reliant on legacy attribution systems, make it harder to prove the value of marketing efforts to the CFO, who expects you to deliver to strict ROI/ROAS targets with shrinking budgets and outdated processes and systems.

So how can you succeed in this complex and competitive digital landscape, where audiences have multiple touchpoints, high expectations of personalisation and addressability being a real challenge in face of an ever-increasing pool of invisible users? Without accurate data on our audiences how can we be expected to personalise our messaging to them?

The answer, you’ve probably already guessed it, is a marketing strategy based on first-party data.

Let me explain a bit more.

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Supriya Dev-Purkaystha Head of Native Advertising Microsoft
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