Catalyst issue 1 | 2020: Learnings, big and small Exchange_Lock

Catalyst issue 1 | 2020: Learnings, big and small

This new year, no learning is too big or too small

From the size of company to the size of the challenge, there is always the chance for something new in marketing. Knowledge is power and it’s vital for the health of the organisation. But knowledge is also vital for the health of the marketer.

But finding the best source of learning can be a challenge. Isn’t it true that if we all drink from the same well of inspiration, we all end up with the same ideas? It’s time to shake things up a bit.

In this edition of Catalyst, we’ll look at how marketers can foster new ideas, seek inspiration in unexpected places and tap into resources they have at best overlooked, at worst ignored, from their own capabilities, to their industry and the wider world.

Our ‘Big Conversation’ was possibly one of the liveliest and, as you’ll see from the pictures, busiest yet. We invited a group of SME founders and chief executives, some of whom will shortly tip out of that category and into big business themselves. They brought vibrant discussion and a host of learnings that will inspire organisations of all sizes.

There is a lot to stay on top of and it’s always a challenge. Our cover story (p16) takes on the vital topic of marketers’ mental health. It is time we stopped making excuses for not taking this seriously. With a demanding, always-on work culture, shifting goalposts and constantly evolving technologies – the pressures are real. We speak to leading figures in the industry who are taking steps to ensure the mental health of their employees, themselves and their wider networks of peers is front of mind as we go into this new year.

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Morag Cuddeford-Jones Editor, Catalyst magazine CIM
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