Will marketing and advertising support a better future? Exchange_Lock

Will marketing and advertising support a better future?

Why do some people still think that it’s optional to make their products and services more sustainable? It’s like thinking innovation is optional, the last blast of wishful thinking against the incoming tide of change.

Are the epic case studies of the digital revolution now fading into history? Sustainability, like digital before it, is not a sector but inside everything and blowing up everywhere. So, which brands or companies will make the choice to stick like Blockbuster or Kodak, or twist and innovate sustainably?

For many sectors the reality of that change is upon us. It's not even the future anymore. I was recently in a conversation about the properties of weather resilience in the latest varieties of staple food ingredients, plant crops that can withstand flood and drought during one growing cycle - which we now need in the UK.

We have to see beyond recycling and packaging to solutions that replace the wasteful with the circular. Refills, rentals, repair, reuse. Creating more value with less stuff. Cutting the linear connection between value creation and left-over waste or carbon emissions.

The opportunities and imperatives for innovation are everywhere. And with them the opportunity to future proof businesses and supply chains. These are not 'nice to haves'; the future will belong to the companies who adapt the fastest.

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