Member Exclusive: How to effectively use body language in clear communication Exchange_Lock

Member Exclusive: How to effectively use body language in clear communication

  • Broadcast: Tuesday 07 February 2023
  • Martin Brooks

Are you looking to boost your credibility in the eyes of your audience or get your message across more effectively? What you say with your body is as important as what you say with your voice…

Members can watch this member-exclusive webinar with CIM course director and author of Body Language Decoder, Martin Brooks. Martin will demonstrate how to boost success by using different body language techniques, and delve into the science behind how body language alters perception.

Members can watch on-demand now to learn:

  • How to use body language to boost success
  • Body language to avoid that decreases your credibility
  • How to read and understand the body language of others


Book your place on our Body Language for Leaders one day virtual training course where Martin will help you effectively (and literally) look like a leader that others will want to follow. Boost your confidence and enhance your credibility through gesture and communication. Book now!

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About the Speaker

Martin Brooks
Martin Brooks Course director, CIM

Martin Brooks is a communications & Body Language Expert and the author of, Body Language Decoder, published in 2021.

He has over 20 years of international experience coaching senior executives on how to use their body language better, enabling them to boost their credibility with their colleagues, customers and peers. Martins body language expertise has been featured on the BBC, LBC radio and on the Discovery Channel.

Martin is a highly experienced course director, running programs with CIM since 2008 on; Leadership Body Language, Negotiations Skills and Sales Skills. Martin brings a depth of experience to his sessions and always has great feedback from his attendees.

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