Member Exclusive: Is marketing responsible for diversity and inclusion? Exchange_Lock

Member Exclusive: Is marketing responsible for diversity and inclusion?

  • Broadcast: Thursday 28 October 2021
  • Marina Ibrahim

Unconscious bias and a lack of diversity is being seen within every touchpoint of marketing. Brand loyalties are being threatened, creating discord with customers looking to buy from more inclusive brands. All brands are aware of this discord, but who, in the end, is responsible for the D&I dispute?

It is evident that more needs to be done for D&I in marketing, in order to truly reflect the society we live in.

CIM members can catch up on our latest member exclusive webinar and explore with D&I course director, Marina Ibrahim, who is accountable for D&I in marketing, and how businesses can prepare to face it head on.

Catch up now and you’ll learn:

  • How the lack of diversity in marketing is affecting customers and their buying habits
  • Why brands are being called out for not being inclusive enough
  • The potential reputational impact on your organisation and what you can do to enhance awareness around D&I.

Login now to watch the webinar on demand. Don’t miss out.

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About the Speaker

Marina Ibrahim
Marina Ibrahim Course director, CIM

Marina Ibrahim is a MCIM Chartered Marketer and CIM course director (an award-winning and several times nominated finalist in international business communication and trade categories) and a Cultural Agility & Global Diversity Expert. She specialises in diversity and inclusion within marketing and you can view a range of her available resources via her author profile. 

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