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26 November 2024, The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and National Institute of Marketing, Nigeria (NIMN) have announced a new partnership to collectively advance the profession of marketing, for the benefit of marketers, business and society in both Nigeria and the UK.
The partnership between CIM and NIMN is designed to support the advancement and mobility of the marketing profession and to provide access to development opportunities. Practising marketers will also benefit from access to the latest resources needed to develop their skills, drive their careers, and enhance their organisation's performance.
CIM and NIMN will provide marketers entry to, or exemption from, certain qualifications based on an equivalent level of study or individual modules studied at the partner organisation, providing flexibility and allowing marketers to upskill throughout their careers.
This new partnership streamlines the process for marketers seeking recognition from both CIM and NIMN. This new offering will allow for joint membership of both professional bodies, allowing Associate Partner members to apply to become graded CIM members, gain access to CIM member benefits and become a Chartered Marketer on completion of CPD activities where criteria are met.
CIM and NIMN’s partnership will support the marketing profession in Nigeria and the UK by:
Commenting on the partnership, Chris Daly, Chief Executive, CIM said: “The official collaboration between the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and the National Institute of Marketing Nigeria (NIMN) is founded on our mutual goal to elevate the marketing profession for the benefit of individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. This strategic alliance, along with our mutual recognition of memberships and qualifications, enables us to offer professional marketers in Nigeria and the UK a clear pathway to advance their careers.”
Discussing the partnership, Mr Idy Enang, NIMN President said: “Both CIM and NIMN are united by a shared vision to develop and advance the marketing profession. This partnership offers marketers numerous opportunities for professional growth through expanded access to training, qualifications, and the latest thought leadership. By providing insights into emerging trends, we empower professionals in Nigeria and the UK with the tools needed to enhance their skills, navigate uncertainty, and drive business growth for the benefit of society at large.
“Together, CIM and NIMN are poised to empower marketers to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and make meaningful contributions to society through their expertise and leadership.”
For CIM media enquiries
James Delves
CIM Head of PR, Content and Community
For NIMN media enquiries
Bolajoko Bayo-Ajayi
1st Vice President
About CIM
For over 100 years, CIM has supported the marketing sector. With members in more than 100 countries, CIM strives for business leaders and opinion formers to recognise the positive contribution professional marketing can bring to their organisations, the economy and wider society. We support, develop and represent marketers, organisations and the profession all over the world. Our ability to award Chartered Marketer status recognises a marketer’s commitment to staying current and abiding by a Code of Professional Conduct. While our diverse range of training courses and world-renowned qualifications, enable modern marketers to thrive in their roles and deliver long-term success for businesses. Find out more about CIM by visiting
About NIMN
The National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN) was established by the Act of the National Assembly no. 25 of 2003 with a chartered status. NIMN is a professional body for individuals involved in marketing and related fields. The Institute aims to provide value to its members, corporate members, and government by providing opportunities for continuous improvement of marketing skills, promoting professional and career advancement through education, information, and networking, and showcasing marketing excellence. NIMN aims to create enduring, distinctive value for all stakeholders through developing, promoting, and applying world-class marketing professionalism.
An overview of CIM our history and services.
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