• CoBrowse
  • With members all over the world, The Chartered Institute of Marketing has a formal presence in nine countries outside the UK. These provide a professional framework for marketing at national level and through training and qualifications, help to increase skills and knowledge of those working in, or wanting to work in marketing.  They also provide opportunities for members to meet locally, organise events, exchange views and exchange information with fellow professionals at all stages of their careers.

    Thanks to our partnership with the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI), members of CIM and the AMI can take advantage of joint membership at a preferential rate, allowing for best practice, training and resources to be shared. The existing qualifications and experience of joint members can also count towards Chartered Marketer status or AMI’s Certified Professional Marketer programme.

    Hong Kong

    CIM Customer Experience Team

    To discuss professional membership with CIM:

    Phone: +44 (0)1628 427120
    Email: membership@cim.co.uk

    To discuss studying membership or our qualifications:
    Phone: +44 (0)1628 427120
    Email: qualifications@cim.co.uk

    Webpage: www.cim.co.uk/hong-kong/

    Sri Lanka

    Please note the Sri Lanka web site is currently unavailable, for assistance please contact membership@cim.co.uk or call +44 (0)1628 427120.

    CIM Customer Experience Team

    To discuss professional membership with CIM:
    Phone: +44 (0)1628 427120
    Email: membership@cim.co.uk

    To discuss studying membership or our qualifications:
    Phone: +44 (0)1628 427120
    Email: qualifications@cim.co.uk

    Physical address:
    Level 12 Parkland Building
    No 33 Park Street
    Colombo 02
    Sri Lanka

    Webpage: srilanka.cim.co.uk

    United Arab Emirates

    CIM Customer Experience Team

    To discuss professional membership with CIM:
    Phone: +44 (0)1628 427120
    Email: membership@cim.co.uk

    To discuss studying membership or our qualifications:
    Phone: +44 (0)1628 427120
    Email: qualifications@cim.co.uk

    Webpage: www.cim.co.uk/international/uae/