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It’s time to celebrate your achievements at this year’s Graduation Ceremony. While bookings are not yet open, we encourage you to mark this special occasion in your calendar.
To help you prepare, we’ve put together key information about the event.
This invitation-only event is for:
We will send further email updates with details on when you can secure your place.
It’s time to celebrate your achievements at this year’s Graduation Ceremony. While bookings are not yet open, we encourage you to mark this special occasion in your calendar.
To help you prepare, we’ve put together key information about the event.
This invitation-only event is for:
We will send further email updates with details on when you can secure your place.
Central Hall Westminster
Storey's Gate
Date: 01 November 2025
Here you can book your hotel for the Graduation Ceremony
For any questions concerning international travel please refer to the United Kingdom border control website here. CIM is not able to offer advice, provide documentation or answer questions relating to these matters.
Additionally, visa applications are the responsibility of the attendee. CIM is strictly unable to provide funding, visa letters, written documentation, or any involvement in applications.
If you wish to bring children to the ceremony, all children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children 8 years and above will need to have a guest ticket purchased for them. Separate tickets will need to be purchased for children if they are younger than 8 years of age and are unable to sit on their accompanying adult’s lap.
Guest tickets are non-refundable after 15 October 2024. Refund requests should be emailed to
Graduates who deferred their ceremony space from 2023 or previous years and who are no longer able to attend the 2024 ceremony, or guests of those graduating, will not be entitled to a refund for any tickets bought as stated by terms and conditions agreed during the original booking process.
If you or your guests have any special requirements, you should inform the Graduation team of these during the booking process. Please note that graduates and Chartered Marketers will ascend and descend the stage via a short set of steps. If this is problematic, please email us at
Please note that the venue is fully accessible.
You will be able to purchase the hire of your gown and photography directly with Ede & Ravenscroft once you receive your Graduation Ceremony invitation via email. Further information on how to do this can be found in the ‘Other information’ section (above).
Academic dress is imperative for all graduates and Chartered Marketers. Without a gown, you will not be permitted into the auditorium to take part in your graduation.
Mortar boards should be worn throughout the ceremony. CIM will not be liable for any injuries incurred when mortar boards are thrown in the air, so please be mindful if you wish to participate in hat throwing.
Photography is optional and can be purchased in advance of the Ceremony, or on the day itself.
The 2024 Graduation Ceremony will take place at Central Hall Westminster. The full address can be found below:
Central Hall Westminster
Storey’s Gate
Any changes to the above timetable will be announced in October 2024. Any changes will be determined by the number of attendees and how much registration time is required. You will receive an email confirming timings once bookings close.
Please note that graduates will not receive their diploma at Graduation – this will be issued digitally eight weeks after you have received the results of your final assessment.